The Scripture Speaks A Timely Word, Once Again
Wow. Wow. Wow. The word is so powerful and prophetic. Written thousands of years ago, yet so relevant to the idolatry and lovelessness in the American government.
I think I might take up this "reading the lectionary" discipline a bit. Great texts.
Thank you for this. It’s very helpful for today.
Speaks to much of our country today. If only they had ears to listen. I pray Christians will begin to stand up for what’s right.
Thank you, this was very comforting for me.
Agreeing with Yolanda -- wow, wow, and wow. So very relevant. Thank you.
Wow. Wow. Wow. The word is so powerful and prophetic. Written thousands of years ago, yet so relevant to the idolatry and lovelessness in the American government.
I think I might take up this "reading the lectionary" discipline a bit. Great texts.
Thank you for this. It’s very helpful for today.
Speaks to much of our country today. If only they had ears to listen. I pray Christians will begin to stand up for what’s right.
Thank you, this was very comforting for me.
Agreeing with Yolanda -- wow, wow, and wow. So very relevant. Thank you.