Wow. You have just said so concisely yet thoroughly “all the things” I have needed to share as a primer for my congregation in this time. Who knew I would need to dive deeper into public theology in these days, but the average congregant desperately needs this. Thank you!
Deep sigh. If we allow ourselves to deeply reflect, all human beings have a sense this is true, even when we do not have the words. The truth is imprinted on our very beings, regardless. Our bodies respond to care even when our brains fail us.
Wow. You have just said so concisely yet thoroughly “all the things” I have needed to share as a primer for my congregation in this time. Who knew I would need to dive deeper into public theology in these days, but the average congregant desperately needs this. Thank you!
Deep sigh. If we allow ourselves to deeply reflect, all human beings have a sense this is true, even when we do not have the words. The truth is imprinted on our very beings, regardless. Our bodies respond to care even when our brains fail us.
Amen. A “Reverence for All Life” should drive all of our communal decisions. Thank you for speaking Christian Ethics. We desperately need this.