Thank you David. We are clearly living at a pivotal moment in history. You presented a powerful glance back in history, as well as sign posts & a path forward for such a time as this.

May God give us all discernment, wisdom & courage as we collectively press forward.

Like so many, my husband and I appreciate you.

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Thank you for this ethically and biblically sound, pastorally sensitive address!

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This is at once brave, focused, and kind. Thanks you David.

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Good and needed words Dr. Gushee.

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Thank you. Love God and love others. That is the Gospel.

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“Now, Lord, consider their threats and enable your servants to speak your word with great boldness.”

‭‭Acts‬ ‭4‬:‭29‬ ‭NIV‬‬

Thank you, Dr. Gushee, for continuing to speak and also to love boldly and to inspire us all to do the same.

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Thank you for this thoughtful reading. May we always remember Whose we are and respond with love, not hate, knowing that we will often be misunderstood, but free to do the tasks we are called to do as we seek justice and freedom for all.

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This instruction is spiritually poised and powerful. I am praying with you and for us all that we take the stand that we didn’t know we could take. That we will hold love as light and press in.

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Thank you, David. This is a beautiful reminder of the 'saints' who have gone before us, defending the vulnerable. Bless you.

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So sad, scary and encouraging too! I love your writing. I have your prayer book🥰

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